Quick Flush Caps


Supports the invigoration and vitality of the body.

  • Colour – Beige

Ingredients per 5 capsules

250mg Red clover (trifolium pratense); 250mg Chicory (tafaxacum off); 250mg Burdock root (arctium lappa), 250mg Chamomile flower (matricaria recutita); 250mg Alfalfa (medicago sativa); 250mg Hibiscus flower (Hibiscus savdariffa), 250mg Licorice root (glycyrrhiza glabra); 250mg Rose hiips (Rosa canina); 100mg NE Niacin (niacinamide, 625% RI*); Filling agent: rice flour; Anti caking: E470b; 8,5mg Vitamin B-2 (riboflavin, 607% RI*); 7,5mg Vitamin B-1 (thiamine, 682% RI*); 5mg Vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine, 357% RI*); 1500µg Biotin (3000% RI*); 200µg Folic acid (100% RI*); 150µg Vitamin B-12 (cyanocobalamin, 6000% RI*); 50mg Pantothenic acid (as D-calcium pantothenate, 833% RI*)

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Active ingredients

Hibiscus flower and Alfalfa

Supports the invigoration and vitality of the body.

How does it work?

This dietary supplement includes Alfalfa and Hibiscus. The Alfalfa plant is naturally rich in an extensive range of Vitamins, including A, D, E, K, and even all variants of Vitamin B. The individual vitamins each have various properties that can be beneficial to the body and contribute to a good health.

Alfalfa also contains important minerals such as biotin, calcium, folic acid, iron, magnesium and potassium. Hibiscus flower and Alfalfa support the invigoration and vitality of the body. The addition of the necessary Vitamin B supports the energy level and has a positive effect on the immune system.

Packaging types

Usage instructions

For one treatment take for 2 consecutive days 5 capsules per day with 2 or 3 glasses of water. Do not take more than 5 capsules within 24 hours. Do not exceed the recommended daily serving. Drink at least 10 glasses of water daily to hydrate the body during this cure. Avoid alcohol as this dehydrates. Urinate frequently.

Minimum order quantity

100.000 pcs / 2.500 jars

Contact us for more information

Can’t find what you need? We are fully equipped to develop a custom formula to precisely satisfy your requirements.

+31 (0)10 - 290 09 91