Slimming Artichoke


Contributes to weight control and fat metabolism.

  • Colour – Off white


200 mg Artichoke Leaf Powder, 100 mg Guarana Seed Extract (4% caffeine), 100 mg Green Tea Leaf Extract , Capsule(E464), Filling agent: Rice Flour, Anti caking agent: E470b.

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Active ingredients


Contributes to weight control and fat metabolism

How does it work?

These capsules help to maintain weight and support weight loss. Artichoke is the main active ingredient of these unique capsules and has weight balancing properties. Artichoke has traditionally been used as a herbal remedy that aids in digestion. Artichoke also supports fat metabolism and helps to maintain weight. Guarana is also an ingredient traditionally used to support weight management and contributes to fat metabolism.

Packaging types

Usage instructions

Take 2 capsules with sufficient water after a meal. Do not take more than 2 capsules within 24 hours. Do not exceed the recommended daily serving. 

Minimum order quantity

100.000 pcs / 2.500 jars

Contact us for more information

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+31 (0)10 - 290 09 91